We have compiled some Frequently Asked Questions below that will help you get more informed about what it means to be a PTSB Mortgage Loan customer. Please select the most relevant FAQ section in the box below that relates to your specific query.
Help and Support | Loan Application in Progress | Making Payments on your Loan | Managing Your Loan | Products & Services that impact my Loan | Your Loan Transfer | Your Mortgage Rate
If you are an existing Open24 user already, your former Ulster Bank loan should be visible on your Online Banking profile.
If you are having trouble viewing your loan as an existing Open24 user, you can contact us on 0818 200 120 or 061 232 717, open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
Where you have made a recent request, e.g. a change of address payment, direct debit change or product switch on your Mortgage to Ulster Bank, this will be passed on to PTSB. We will endeavour to act on your request at the earliest opportunity to avoid any unnecessary delays. All future queries relating to your loan from the transfer date should be directed to our Mortgage Operations Department on 0818 200 120 or +353 061 232 717, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding Bank Holidays).
Ulster Bank will send you a Mortgage Loan statement separately by post covering all transactions for the year 2022 up to the date of transfer to PTSB. This will confirm the Mortgage Loan balance which has transferred to PTSB. Any transaction data from or after the date of transfer can be obtained from PTSB from our Mortgage Operations Department on 0818 200 120 or 061 232 717, open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
Online services previously offered by Ulster Bank, such as the ‘Manage My Mortgage’ portal, are no longer accessible. For more information on how the self-service options have changed for former Ulster Bank customers, you can refer to the PTSB Welcome Booklet with specific information related to our current account fees and cashback offering also available.
If you are not registered for Open24 as a PTSB customer and want to find out more about Open24, please call our Mortgage Operations Department for support on 0818 200 120 or 061 232 717 open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
Support and guidance for you as a new PTSB Mortgage Loan customer.