If it is your first time transferring money to this account, you will first need to set up a new payee. Please follow these steps.
permanent tsb Mobile App
- Log in to your permanent tsb Mobile App.
- Select Transfer to Another Account.
- Under From, select an account to pay from.
- Under To, select an payee to pay to.
- Enter an Amount.
- Enter a Personal Note, if desired.
- Select Pay Now, or Pay on a Future Date to select a date up to 30 days in the future.
- Select Review Payment.
- If details are correct, select Make Transfer.
- Your transfer is complete. Select Done to close.
Open24 Online Banking
- Log in to your Open24 Online Banking.
- Select Send money on the left navigation bar.
- Click Pay next to the desired payee name.
- Select the account you want to send money from.
- Under Amount, enter the amount you want to transfer.
- Under Payment Date, you can choose to send money immediately or schedule a payment date up to one month in the future.
- Click Pay.
- If details are correct, click Confirm.
- Your transfer is complete. Click Done to close.
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