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Booster Bonus Account important information

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Booster Bonus

  • Terms and conditions apply.
  • The account interest and any bonus interest amount will be credited to the account at the end of business on the 31st of December of each year or the first Business Day after that.
  • All interest will be subject to Deposit Interest Retention Tax.
  • The percentage whereby the bonus is calculated may be varied at our discretion and will be advised to the account holder in the manner described in Condition 21 of the General Terms and Conditions.
  • The Booster Bonus Deposit Account is not available to Business customers.

Why do we need proof of your PPSN/Tax Reference Number?

From 29th June 2009, financial institutions are obliged to request customers to provide their tax reference number (e.g. Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) or Corporation Tax number) when they open a new current or deposit account which may give rise to the payment of such interest by their financial institution. Under the Regulations, this number will be included in the annual return of interest to the Revenue Commissioners. Financial institutions are also obliged to request personal customers to provide suitable documentation to verify their PPSN (in the form of a Employment Detail Summary (P60), Notice of Tax Credits, Payslip, Tax Assessment etc). It should be noted that the PPSN will only be used for the purpose of making this annual return to the Revenue Commissioners.

If customers fail, for whatever reason, to provide their tax reference number and/or the PPSN supporting documentation, financial institutions are required to indicate this on the annual return of interest.

These regulations and guidance notes are available on the Revenue website.

The following documentation (original or copy) may be used to verify the tax reference number as required under the current regulations:

  • Employment Detail Summary (P60)
  • P45
  • Statement of Liability (P21)
  • Payslip (where employer is identified by name or tax number)
  • Drug payment scheme card
  • European health insurance card
  • Tax Assessment
  • Tax Return Form
  • PAYE Notice of Tax Credits
  • Child Benefit Award Letter /Book
  • Pension Book
  • Social Services card
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