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Unit Stocking

Wholesale finance for motor, specialist asset dealers and manufacturers

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What is Unit Stocking?

Unit Stocking, also known as ‘Wholesale Finance’ supports dealers and asset suppliers to effectively manage their cash flow position by funding their stock. Unit stocking is a revolving working capital product which enables you as a dealer, to stock and fund new and used assets on your forecourt.

PTSB Asset Finance can provide you with an on-demand credit facility secured against individual units of stock, providing flexibility that reflects the seasonal nature of your business.

Our Unit Stocking product offers you:

  • Releases equity in qualifying stock on your forecourt
  • Same day payment guaranteed
  • Variable interest rate
  • Manage your cash flow
  • Cost effective way of funding stock
  • With an efficient online portal you have a full overview of the stock funded with capability to generate reports on a per asset basis
  • As the asset funding is our security, no debentures or charges over the business are required

Who can avail of Unit Stocking?

The Unit Stocking product is available for franchise and non franchise dealers as well as manufacturers and their dealer network. We provide funding for a range of asset types. Our customers benefit from a dedicated Relationship Manager who is a specialist in the industry, as well as support from our dedicated Unit Stocking operations team.

How to Apply for Unit Stocking

To apply for Unit Stocking or to find out more, please contact our team by email at or contact our dedicated Unit Stocking managers. Alternatively, you can call us on 0818 210 263. Lines open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding public holidays).

Important information

  • Available to over-18s only. Republic of Ireland only. Security and/or guarantees and indemnities may be required. Fees and charges apply. Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. Subject to Credit Approval. Lending is for business purposes only.
  • Advance rates and other standard conditions will apply.
  • Stock audits will take place and all assets need to be available for inspection.
  • PTSB Asset Finance will take ownership of the asset on funding through an invoice trail until such time as the asset is settled.
  • All statements concerning taxation are based on best understanding of current legislation. Levels and bases of taxation can change at any time. The content of this webpage does not constitute legal, tax, financial planning or any other advice.

Warning: The cost of your repayments may increase

Warning: The entire amount that you have borrowed will still be outstanding at the end of the interest-only period.

Pre application Information

For more information on how we process your application including appeals and application requirements.

Alternative Asset Finance products

Click below to find out about our other products.

Support in financial difficulty guide

Information guide to banking supports available to SMEs, for the future and through Covid recovery.

Relationship Managers

Contact a Relationship Manager in your area.

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