I / We hereby request that my/our Account is converted by PTSB to a current account of the type described above (the Account) to be operated in my/our personal capacity and not in relation to my/our trade, business or profession. I /We agree that the Bank’s Current Account "Terms & Conditions and Personal & Business Banking Charges" booklet from time to time in force shall govern the Account.
I /We have also read the Bank's Terms of Business Letter. I/We have also read the Bank's current "Terms and Conditions and Personal and Business Banking Charges" booklet and the Data Protection Notice and have had an opportunity to become acquainted with, have understood and agree to be bound by the “Terms and Conditions and Personal & Business Banking Charges" in relation to the facility applied for above, which may be amended from time to time.
I / We acknowledge that I have read the Deposit Information Sheet.
I /We hereby acknowledge that the Bank may refuse to convert the account without stating any reason
I/We acknowledge and confirm that the information and/or any consent (where given by me/us) for the Consumer Credit Act 1995 as attached to this application are for the purpose of my/our application to convert this account.
I / We have had the necessary time to consider and query the information provided to me in relation to my application.
Using your Personal Data
In providing personal banking services to you, we need to process personal data about you. This involves asking you for specific personal data, processing personal data and storing it for a period of time. An explanation of how your personal data is used in the provision of our services to you, our running of the bank and your rights in relation to your personal data is provided in the summary Data Protection Notice.