The application is down due to technical issues. Please come back and try again later. We apologise for any inconvenience.
No Selected Files
Please select files to upload.
Session timeout
Your session has time out and you cannot upload any more documents. Please log in again to continue uploading.
You will have to re-select any documents that you have selected during this session, but haven't uploaded.
Document uploader error
The document you have select cannot be uploaded in this format. Please try again.
File size too big
The file you have selected is over 5 MB and cannot be uploaded. Please Select another file to upload. If you need any assistance, please contact your agent.
Max Files Reached
The limit of upload files is reached (4).
Looks like your access to this page is invalid, please contact us at XXXXX to know more.
Cancel Document Upload
By cancelling your upload now, your documents will not be uploaded and you will need to restart the upload process.